Below are links to information and clips of films, videos, and documentaries that deal either directly or indirectly with other ways to communicate besides speech, termed AAC* or augmentative and alternative communication. The items listed may include one or more people who use AAC, information on topics relating to AAC such as literacy, or advocacy for access to communication, for example. All of them carry a message about the importance of communication.

We encourage you to seek out the films and learn more. If someone in your life has limited speech, she or he may need your help to advocate for access to training, technology and support to communicate using methods other than speech.

*AAC means Augmentative and Alternative Communication -- other ways to learn and/or to speak, write and understand what is said for people with speech impairments or disabilities. These methods include electronic talking aids, computers, tablet computers, boards and books with pictures, words and letters, Talking Mats, Communication Passports, eye-gaze, partner-assisted scanning, facilitated communication training (FC, FCT), supported typing, Rapid Prompting Method (RPM), Independent Pointing Method, Spelling to Communicate (S2C), gesture and sign language, and captioning.

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